Documents and Media

2020 • 17th Competition

288 applications from 33 nations.
112 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic the planned auditions in August had to be canceled. Instead the 20 best-ranked applicants in each Category were invited to “Online Finals”.

Brochure »
Brochure Online Finals 2020 »
Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »
Online Finals on YouTube »
Program Recital Maria Eydman & Kiron A. Tellian »
Pictures Recital »

2014 • 14th Competition

296 applications from 42 nations.
108 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »
Recordings of Auditions »
Pictures Auditions » 
Program Prizewinner's Concert »

2012 • 13th Competition

251 applications from 40 nations.
108 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »
Recordings of Auditions »

Program Prizewinner's Concert »

2010 • 12th Competition

267 applications from 41 nations.
108 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »
Recordings of Auditions »
Program Prizewinner's Concert »

2008 • 11th Competition

233 applications from 41 nations.
113 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »
Program Prizewinner's Concert »

2006 • 10th Competition

255 applications from 44 nations.
99 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »
Program Prizewinner's Concert »

2006 • Jubilee-Concert •
10 Competitions

Concert with the Symphony Orchestra of the Ettlingen Music School and
Lise de la Salle • 1st Prize Category A 2000
Boris Giltburg • 1st Prize Category B 1998 • 2nd Prize Category A 1996
Lang Lang • 1st Prize Category A 1994

Concert Program »

2004 • 9th Competition

251 applications from 40 nations.
107 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »
Program Prizewinner's Concert »

2002 • 8th Competition

266 applications from 41 nations.
107 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »
Program Prizewinner's Concert »

2000 • 7th Competition

336 applications from 44 nations.
106 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Schedules »

1998 • 6th Competition

353 applications from 46 nations.
105 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Schedules »

1996 • 5th Competition

326 applications from 48 nations.
100 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »

1994 • 4th Competition

268 applications from 40 nations.
122 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Applications • Participants • Nations »
Schedules »

1992 • 3rd Competition

255 applications from 44 nations.
104 participants were admitted after the preselection by recordings.

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »

1990 • 2nd Competition

256 applications from 31 nations
256 participants • no preselection.

Brochure »
Schedules »

1988 • 1st Competition

96 applications from 20 nations
96 participants  • no preselection

Brochure »
Applications • Participants • Nations »

Postal Address

Internationaler  Klavierwettbewerb
c/o Musikschule
Pforzheimer Str. 25
76275 Ettlingen • Deutschland
